'Human Birdwings'

Engineer creates 'Human Birdwings', aims to be able to fly one day

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Flying has always been one of mankind's greatest dreams, and the one that has eluded him the most. If you’re talking about aeroplanes and drones and space shuttles, you’re discounting the essence of the dream, because the entire plan was to be able to fly on one’s own, right? 

 So, here we have a mechanical engineer from the Netherlands trying to achieve that dream. Jarno Smeets aims to create his own pair of flying wings. As reported by Engadget, using just a HTC Wildfire S, a WiiMote and some geekiness, Jarno has managed to conjure up a DIY bird wing that moves its wings based on his body movements. He’s been on this project for a pretty long time now, and finally he’s hit a milestone. Head over to the video below to check out his ‘Human Birdwings’. 

That guy may not have reached his ultimate goal still, but it’s fair to say that he’s started well and is definitely on course. What do you guys think about these Human Birdwings? Let us know in the comments section below. 
