Google Chrome

How to load extensions by group in Chrome

Loading Chrome extensions based on your needs will spare some system resources and keep you on task.

It's so easy to grab extensions for Twitter, Facebook, and even music services. Unfortunately, while these extensions are great for socializing and surfing, they may be resource hogs or distracting you with animated icons while attempting to be productive. There is one extension that can help solve this conundrum for you: Context. Basically, this extension groups your other extensions for situational use. So if you're working, shopping, or just surfing for fun, you can load only the relevant extensions. Here's how to get started:

Step 1: Head to the extension page for Context in the Chrome Web Store.

Step 2: Click the blue Add to Chrome and then press Install on the pop-up that follows.

A small tutorial will load to show you how to use the add-on (steps also provided below).

(Credit: Screenshot by Nicole Cozma)

Step 3: Click the New Context button in the bottom left-hand corner. Name the context and choose an icon to represent it. You can repeat this as many times as you like until you have all of your contexts created.

(Credit: Screenshot by Nicole Cozma)

Your contexts can be organized by dragging their tiles with the move arrow in the top right-hand corner. So if you want extensions for work to be listed before extensions for shopping, it's an easy fix.

Step 4: Drag your extensions from the list at the top to the correct Context in the area below. If you make a mistake, simply click the X on the right side of the extension's tile.

Extensions in their respective Context groups.(Credit: Screenshot by Nicole Cozma)

In some cases, you may want an extension to load for all contexts--like a theme for Chrome or your Gmail checker.

Step 5: Press the Save button at the bottom of the screen. Now you're ready to get started using the Context extension.

All you need to do is click on the small, white puzzle piece in your Chrome toolbar to choose which Context group you want to load. There's also an option to load all extensions, if you want everything available.
