Computer Freezes- Stopping the normal functionality

Computer Freezes

This happened when you use computer application like MS Word, Internet Explorer, Media Player and many others they just freeze out all the processing and every next click on the screen seems doing nothing. CPU processing limit shows 100 % and along with system you also stuck what to do.

You have to take certain steps in order not to take your system to any computer troubleshooting company. 

First Check:

Most of the computers have built in temperature test system. Run that program if it exceeds its tolerated limit just shut it down and restart it after some time. In order to keep its temperature moderate what you have to do is to keep its cooling system stable and accurate. Check out if PC fan is working properly and place the computer in the airy compound. As computer is stuffed with electrostatic charges during its power on, it gulp most of dust particles which put a great impact on the functionality of the computer applications.

Second Check: 

Check out the storage capacity of your computer like RAM storage. If it’s very low then application may take time to process which turns computer in halted state. 

Third Check:

If you are playing a movie or video song in windows media player using CD and DVD and it stops showing the next action just in the middle of the movie. Reason behind is that movie is loaded with rich graphics taking time to read and display. And it can also be that CD and DVD may have scratches on it and require extra processing powers by computers which will hang it up.

If you check all the above problems and find that temperature is exceeding by some other reason as fan is working properly and in another scenario fan of computer may stop working due to a lot of dust particles stuck to it. Contact vendor immediately and repair the fault.